Preparing for the Holidays
November 22, 2019

Preparing for the Holidays

Most people get stressed out about hosting during the holidays. Making sure your home is tidy and decorated for more guests than normal can be a daunting task. We’ve put together a few tips to make sure you can keep your holiday spirit up so you can thoroughly enjoy the time spent with the people closest to you.

Focus on your main spaces

This goes for cleaning up, decorating, remodeling or whatever the case may be. Make sure your front porch or entryways are ready to go since it’s the first thing your guests will see upon arrival. Next focus on the kitchen, living room and bathrooms. No need to focus on your bedrooms or the upstairs if your gathering will be held downstairs and you don’t have any overnight guests.

Add your holiday decorations and remove as much clutter as possible. Make sure you keep in mind who your guests may be, in case there is a need to do any minor baby or child-proofing. Using your finest dishware may not be the best option for a family-friendly gathering.

By adding festive decorations such as lights, greenery, seasonal scented candles or other holiday-themed items, you create a warm and welcoming environment that leaves your guests feeling comfortable in your home.

Prepare as much in advance as possible

A decent amount of preparation for holiday gatherings can be done a day or so in advance. Consider preparing vegetables and appetizers the night before so there are less things that need your attention the day of the gathering. Consider having a holiday themed drink that can pair with your appetizers and keep your guests occupied while you finish cooking the dishes left.

If you didn’t do a once over in the fall, it may be a good time to check your HVAC system. You do not want to have an issue with heating during the holiday season or with a house full of people. The same thought applies to making sure sinks and toilets are working properly. If you’ve been putting it off, making sure everything is in working order would be best before you have an increase in traffic through your home.

The final thing to give advance thought to is seating. Have an idea of about how many people to expect so you can begin planning if you need additional tables or chairs and where the best place for those would be.

Enjoy your holiday season

You’ve already done your cleaning, so the day that your guests are set to arrive you can focus on food, final additions, seating and having a great time. Don’t let the stress of making your home feel like a magazine keep you from planning a holiday party that your friends and family will love. If your holiday leaves you with realization that it is time for a new home, let us build your dream home that suits all your needs for hosting. Contact P&D Builders to see what we can do to make your next holiday season the best one yet.

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